About us
For almost 10 years, in Cigarroller Cartagena we have carried out events of different nature. Our reputation has been based on trust and good work, a 5 star customer service, totally personalized. Handmade cigars with a blend of tobacco leaves from the Montes de Maria to make them soft and easy to smoke.
From the most experienced to those who are trying a cigar for the first time!
We are excited to share the CigarRoller Cartagena experience with our customers and make them part of the event with educational information and event, with educational information and encouraging them to participate... even if they dare to roll their own cigars. cigar themselves. Cigars are universally known for a Symbol of Celebration, Success and above all Good Times. With our “Torcedora”... being an ambassador of Tobacco, you will enjoy something totally different and above all, very original. above all, very original.